Latest from the RIBA:

‘The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) responds to the Spring Budget 2017:

RIBA President Jane Duncan said:

“I welcome the Chancellor’s moves to increase the prestige and prominence of technical education with the T-Level. These combined with new apprenticeships should encourage a much broader range of people to consider a career in architecture and the built environment. It’s also encouraging to hear both the Prime Minister and the Chancellor recognise the importance of getting women back into the workplace after they have taken time out to start families. The under-representation of women in the senior ranks of our profession remains a huge challenge that we must overcome if we are to fulfil our economic and creative potential.’

“While there was some additional funding for new schools and infrastructure, the blunt truth is that we won’t tackle these problems without a more effective use of resources and a greater role for architects and other experts in establishing quality and sustainability in the design and delivery of projects.

“With Brexit on the horizon, I want to see more action from the government to address some of the biggest barriers to making our society more prosperous – including lacking infrastructure and the inequities of the housing crisis.”’

Available at the RIBA Press Release page.